Insanity, it appears to be running rampant in the United States, but perhaps it's not just running rampant here. The United States is in all reality a great country to live in and perhaps one of the last frontiers of Capitalism. Many would scoff at the word Capitalism without even giving it a second though. Yet in the United States where Capitalism rules, it's easier than most people think to get ahead in life and become a wealthy individual. It is my goal with this blog and journey that I'm working on to proof just that. However, there are those who would be stubborn and set in their ways.
These kind of people won't change their way, even though they might understand that they have to change in order to get ahead in life. No one ever said that you have to change yourself, the individual that makes you you, but it is imperative to change your habits. You want to be a gamer? Great, just don't game 8 - 10 hours a day......guilty. You can't be productive in life if you don't have a set schedule, which plays into my last blog post. In my last post I talked about the importance of Setting Goals That Are Flexible as well as a flexible schedule.
Let us define the word insane real quick. It is defined as being in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction. Whereas the best definition of insanity can be quoted from Albert Einstein as follows: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If I had to say something about that quote, it would be the very definition of the vast majority in the United States today. Let's think about that for a moment.
Today we have people that will scoff at other News Sources, that will only get News from one Source and think that they have a bigger picture on the details laid out before them than someone else does. One of the most common News Outlets that gets scoffed at is Fox News, people claim that Fox News lies more than any other News Agency out there, but they can't prove it. Am I suggesting that a person only gets News from Fox News? No, I'm not, I'm suggesting that people do their own research. One News Source is not enough, because you only get one side of the story and that's where the United States fails. Using the excuse that one News Station lies more than the other without relative proof to back it up is just blindly following the leader to jump off a bridge and we know that most would not jump off a bridge.
This is where I come in, I'm not going to do the same thing day after day and expect different results. That is one reason why I have taken to writing this blog. Blogging is not for everyone, but so many people start blogs on a regular basis and most of them stop posting after about 90 days. Why is that? Blogging is hard work and the average person today thinks that it is easy and when they start to blog, they find out differently and give up. One of the reasons is that they lack the traffic that they would like to get.
If you blog everyday, publish your article and only publish it on Social Media sites such as Google+, Facebook, and Twitter, you're not going to get anywhere with your blog. Only sharing it in a few places will not get you anywhere, even if Facebook claims to be the biggest Social Network out there. If you only have a hundred connections on each site, you're not getting anywhere. You have to change your habits, you have to branch out into 5, 6, or even 10 different networks, including video networking. Bloggers often forget video networking, but if you share just small bits of information on Youtube in short 1 - 2 min videos, you should start getting traffic from it. Information is meant to be shared and if you're not sharing it, you're not getting anywhere.
This brings us to the title of the blog post, Normal Is A Setting On A Dryer. If you hear someone say that they're just a normal bloke, they're telling you one of the biggest puns ever. That's because in today's world, there is no such thing as Normal, everyone is insane to an extent or rather, they have a mild case of insanity. They have a perception, a way of thinking, that keeps them from achieving success. This way of thinking has to stop.
Don't let yourself be wrung out to dry like the everyone else does. Instead, start changing your way of thinking, start believing in yourself more, share your knowledge, and most importantly, be yourself. Your way of thinking, has nothing to do with who you are. Thinking is how we succeed in today's world and contribute to society. So go out, be bold, be different, and remember, Normal is a setting on a Dryer.
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