There also comes a time in our lives when we have to start analyzing the situations that we're in and what we can do to make them better. Yet many, year after year, will fail to realize those dreams, those goals, and fall short of their passions. Life is not meant to be full of shortcomings. Life is instead meant to be full of surprised, ups and downs, and big achievements. The old saying, Rome wasn't built overnight holds true to a lot of things. You and your Empire are not going to be built over night. No, I'm not trying to take over the world here, (just the Universe...cough cough ahem..) instead I'd like to think of it as conquering myself.
Let me give you a little background about myself and you'll understand where I'm coming from. I'm just an ordinary person, just like you reading this book. Like the rest of the world, I have problems, issues, and have always had them.
When I was little, I used to be made fun of. Kids would pick at me, call me names, make fun of my voice, and just make fun of me in general. Let's face it though, what kid out there hasn't been made fun of? Some are just made fun of more than others. I'd like to think that being made fun of didn't bother me. In reality, I let it get buried deep within to the point that it appeared not to bother me. The most common name that I was called, was Roger Rabbit. While it didn't really bother me so to speak, it was rather annoying. I had other Nick Names such as Roger Dodger, Rogie, and just Rog for short. Most of the Nick Names didn't bother me either.
However, people making fun of my voice always made me feel a bit insecure. I grew quite shy over the years to the point that it was hard for me to make new friends, even though I enjoy the company of the people I did meet for the most part. Today, I'm known as an Introvert or more specifically according to the Jung Personality Test, an INTJ. The INTJ personality is considered to be the rarest of the Personality Types and is considered quite capable of achieving many great achievements as well as working in many different environments. Of course, all of this is according to his or her strengths and weaknesses.
The problem however here lies within goal setting. Yep, that ever intrusive word that few people like to hear. That's the main reason why few people ever succeed with their New Years resolutions. They don't set goals and take action towards them. Saying, I'm going to lose weight this year for example is not a goal. How much weight do you want to lose and in how long of a period? Do you want to lose 8lbs in a month? Maybe you'd like to lose 20lbs over the next six months? The same thing goes for setting financial goals. People don't say things like, I would like to make an extra $5,000 by the end of the year for a vacation. Instead, you hear things like, I'm going to make more money this year, work hard at my 9 - 5 job and get a raise, maybe even a promotion.
So, what are my goals for this year? Well, here are just a few of them and maybe they'll give you a few ideas to work with yourself:
- Make $1,000 in the next 3 months to have my hernia worked on.
- Make $10,000 in 6 months for equipment and travel purposes.
- 6 months after hernia surgery, be able to run a 5k.
- Within 6 months, be on a sugar free, gluten free, dairy free diet.
- 6 month goal - have enough income coming in from writing to call it a job.
- 3 month goal - Learn Russian for traveling purposes and foreign contacts.
There you have it, a simple break down of my list of goals for the next six months to a years time frame. It's not going to be easy and no one ever said life was easy. Even people who are freeloading off the Government have are having a hard time. It just goes to show you that Free isn't always better. However, that doesn't mean that it's hard to the point that it's impossible to succeed. You tell people nowadays that it's going to require a bit of work and they turn away because they'd rather work a 9 - 5 job stocking shelves. That's easy, I know, I've been there, done that. But what can I share with you that might help inspire you to do the same or at least follow along with my story and future success?
It all starts with Embracing the you that you are, as well as the you that "Could Be." Perhaps this alone is where many people fail in achieving greatness? There are many people out there that can easily or with a little work, embrace themselves. Getting them to embrace the potential they have inside though, has always been the challenge. It is my current "belief" that many people are afraid to succeed. They are afraid of the failure, the heartache, the journey of getting to the top and following their Dream. They know what it's like to fail, they've been there, done that, as have I. They know what it's like to be ridiculed and mocked. Yet when you succeed, there is such an overwhelming joy that you can't describe. Why can't you describe it? One reason is that you're at a loss for words, but in reality, there are no words to describe it. So don't be afraid to embrace yourself, we've all experienced that feeling of greatness at least once in our lives. If you haven't, you need to get out and live more.
I will tell you this right now, thinking will play a huge part in your success. Perhaps that's another reason why people continue to fail in today's time? How often do you hear someone say, "Thinking makes my Brain Hurt?" What? Come on now, if thinking really made your brain hurt, you'd have headaches all day long, all night long, ever single day. Why? Simply because your brain has about or close to One Trillion Connections running to it all over the Human Body. With this in mind, each of those connections is a process, in which your brain sends signals back and forth in order for the entirety of your body to work. If, and that's a big IF, you actually got headaches from thinking, which is merely a process of the brain, yet another connection, your body would be aching all the time from all those connections firing off.
Embracing thinking is going to take perhaps another goal for many people. This is one goal that I've already tackled pretty well. I have set aside Sunday's as my Thinking Days. I do nothing but thinking on those days and think about different problems, different solutions, as well as inventions and ideas. I have also started tackling my goals.
I already have plans and courses of actions for achieving at least two of my current goals. Writing this blog is one of those courses of actions. Will you be joining me this year and tackling the New Year head on or will you be tacking the back pedal?
What are your goals and ambitions this year?
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