Ever hear someone tell you about a brand new business opportunity and often times you find out from someone else that it's just another Pyramid Scheme? Often times it happens in the Multilevel Marketing Business or MLM Business. What people don't realize though is that the so called Pyramid Scheme, is the only thing that works. It's Capitalism at its finest.
Let's first explain to you what a Pyramid Scheme actually is. A Pyramid Scheme is a method of Power Control, where those on top have Power, because the many on the bottom feed it to them. Let's think about that for a moment...
When you think of Pyramid Schemes, what comes to mind? I bet Government doesn't. Yep, the Government is one of the worst Pyramid Schemes ever. It relies on the taxes of all its citizens to keep it afloat and running. Usually those taxes wind up being large sums of money and the people can be left poor with little opportunity to grow.
Every service that is paid for by the government is a Pyramid Scheme. Yep, those at the top of the chain of command get the highest paid jobs, while those at the bottom tend to have to scrape by. It even works in the same manner for those receiving the service. Often times, you're required to meet certain requirements in order to get the service, so not everyone can get the service, but everyone is paying for it.
Schools are a Pyramid Scheme. You have different levels of peer groups among both teachers and students. Often times, those who are not as popular are left at the bottom. If you're popular enough, which is very few students, you're fortunate enough to join the click.
Perhaps the worst of all Pyramid Scheme? Your daily job. You go to work with a 9 - 5 style schedule with half an hour to an hour for lunch. Often times you don't get to choose your schedule. You work hard hoping to get a raise, which doesn't even keep up with the inflation rate. On top of all that, you're working hard, often times giving in 110% in order for the boss to get a bonus. Then the corporate executives get their Million Dollar bonuses and you get a measly 50 - 55 cent raise. Yeah, I'd call that a fair job.
People often confuse Pyramid Schemes and MLM businesses in the same sentence. MLM Businesses are different for various reasons. For starters, you're buying into a Franchise, usually at a very low rate. Try getting into a McDonalds Franchise for $100 - $500. It's not going to happen.
In an MLM Business, you have the opportunity to not make the person above you rich and wealthy, but instead you get to make yourself wealthy. Assuming you put in the effort and intent to do so. If you fiddle fart around and only manage to get in one or two people, guess what, you're not going to make any money. However, if you put in Massive Amounts of Effort and put in positive happy intentions, you'll get plenty of reward for your effort.
You have to help the Universe help you...
Nothing ever comes from doing nothing.
If you don't get out there and do what's required, you may as well not even invest in your future. If you are however going to get out there and put forth that effort, make it happen, go all in, then you're going to succeed no matter what the Universe throws your way.
I'm a firm believer in the saying that, Life is what you make it. If you want to make it a Hell Hole, it will be a Hell Hole. If you want to make it the most amazing place on Earth with tons of Opportunity to see the world and understand the Universe better, then you can make it just that. Often times in an MLM Business, you have the opportunity to work with other people, some allow you the opportunity to travel, meet some awesome people, and have an over all better life.
Only, if you're willing to work for it.
Are you in an MLM Business? Have you considered joining one? Tell me your story and your thoughts.
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