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Monday, January 13, 2014

Setting Goals That Are Flexible

Setting goals that are flexible is something that many people just don't do nowadays.  Most in fact only set New Years resolutions and then half way make an attempt at them.  After about 30 Days they tend to forget about the resolution and go on with their daily lives, almost as though the New Year never happened.

The problem with this is that our Brains aren't capable of handling a New Years Resolution.  That's right, our Brains are not capable of handling a Vague Goal such as a Resolution.  Instead, according to Brain Science, it's recommended that we take smaller, tiny actions to form habits.

We could use one of my goals as an example.  I have to find a way to raise up about $3,000 so I can go have my hernia worked on.  To most people that would seem like a daunting task and would back down from the goal.  I first have to decide how I'm going to get the funds to do this with.  Here are some options that I have at my disposal....

Writing Paid Articles
Selling On Ebay

It doesn't look like much of a start, but we all have to start from some where.  If you had read my first article, then you will know that one of my goals this year is to start traveling.  You may have also noticed that I have set the original goal for my hernia surgery at $1,000.  However, this post is about having flexible goals.  Goals may need to be changed according to prices fluctuations or due to not doing enough research ahead of time.  Just spending four days down where I would like to have my surgery is going to cost about $1,000, so it won't be enough to do all the things I want to do.  Especially if I want to extend my stay for a few days longer and get a head start on making documentaries.

I will start as soon as possible with the taking donations part.  If I can raise all the funds via donations, that would be great, but I'm not afraid to do a little work here and there.  You will find a donation button at the bottom of this page as well as in the side bar.  We can't be afraid to ask for a helping hand sometimes, because sometimes, we need one.

Traveling is one of my primary goals this year.  I want to start doing a lot of traveling, seeing the UK and Italy would be my first stops this year.  I now know where it is that I want to go first and a little bit of how I'm going to go about doing it.  This is where having flexible goals come in.

There are two things that are very important to me traveling this year and I'm already well on my way to making that happen.  One of those things is to have a set schedule.  Not everything I do has to be down to a science, but ever successful person out there has a set schedule.  They get up, they do their morning routine, the start working on their job(s) for the day, and they get things done in small manageable task.  It's not Rocket Science, it's just Science.

Not having a set schedule is one of the worst things I could be doing for my body.  Not only does it throw my body all out of whack, but it cuts years off my life span.  That's something I'd like to avoid at all cost.  This world is too vast for me to see it in a life time and I've already let some of my years slip by unnoticed.  This year, it's going to be different.  My schedule so far is going to be this:

6:00am - Get up and do morning routine.
7:00am - Enjoy a bit of breakfast.
8:00am - Write article for the day.
12:00pm - Publish article on blog.
12:15pm -1:15pm - Have a bit of lunch.
1:15 - 4:00pm - Promote blog
4:00pm - 9:00pm - play a video game.
9:00pm - 10:00pm - Wind down for the night, read a book.

This is going to be my schedule for the next few months and possibly longer than that.  The schedule itself can change and fluctuate.  For example, if I find that I'm spending too much time gaming, I can always cut back to 2 hours a day and spend more time promoting my blog as well as money making opportunities.

Setting goals that are flexible is very important in today's age.  The information age has us so connected that most people refuse to put in the effort anymore to succeed.  For now, this is going to be my 5 day a week schedule, which may again change to 6 days a week if I find I'm not getting enough done

I have set aside Sundays as a day of Thinking.  I call it my Think Tank Day.  It's the day where I try to sit down and come up with solutions to my problems as well as other problems throughout the world.  I don't want to be just an ordinary Average Joe kind of person.  That's not the lifestyle for an INTJ Personality Type.

My goal in life is to Embrace the Unknown and to contribute to society in more than one way.  But we have to start small and make small changes in our life and be flexible.  Those flexible goals will aid us on our journey.  Let's embrace the unknown together and forge our destiny as we start setting goals that are flexible.

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