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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Don't Stand In One Place Too Long

"What good is living the life you've been given, if all you're going to do is stand in one place."

This quote comes from my all time favorite song.  It used to be difficult for me to pick a favorite, because I had so many.  Nowadays, not so much.  This is hands down my favorite song and perhaps even my theme song.

Ends of the Earth is what this video is titled and it is so fitting for the lifestyle that I dream of.  Traveling the world is a passion of mine and has been for a long time.  There are so many things to see and do that it's only befitting that this song should fit my desires and emotions.  It also motivates me to get out there and do what it takes to succeed so I can travel.

Standing In One Place For Too Long

This song has a lot of wisdom and really sings to me.  Standing in one place in this case has a specific meaning to it.  There are many people out there who have never left their country, let alone left the city that they grew up in.

When I hear of people that have never left the city that they grew up in, it always gives me shudders and almost gives me a chill.  I could not fathom being cooped up in one place for too long.  Actually I can and that's the life I myself dream to escape.

Being in one place for too long is like being a caged animal.  You  have no where to go, no desire to do anything, no passion, you just sink and sink into the comfort zone that you know and love.  When you dare to Embrace The Unknown, you have to get out there and show the world that you are willing to take risk.

Taking That Risk

There is a saying of mine that goes something like this..."You have to climb to the top of the Mountain to get the bigger picture.  If you're always at the bottom, you'll always see what is right in front of you."  Perhaps that is a whole different blog post in itself.

Life was meant to be enjoyed.  There is a world out there that is waiting for us to get ahead, so that we can come see it with our own eyes.  Trust me, from experience, nothing is like seeing something with your own eyes.

Ever seen the Red Full Moon come up from the Beach?  Bet you have at least seen it in pictures haven't you?  I've seen that first hand in person and nothing can really describe what you experience while you're their.  You can try and get close, but being there is half the journey.  The experience makes it all worth it.

This experience is one other thing that pushes me and drives me.  You have to get out there and see the world for what it is.  Because a picture never really captures the moment like the eyes can.

How many places have you visited in your lifetime?  Have you never left your country and/or city?  If so, then how do you plan on getting out there?

An Unfair Advantage In Life?

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have an unfair advantage in life?  What sets them apart?  Is it some secret that has been lost for generations and generations?  Perhaps that's exactly what it is.  Maybe it has not been lost at all, but keep hidden right in front of our eyes waiting for those who seek it.

The fact that you're here on this blog, means that you're seeking something.  Everyone has a desire that they long for.  What emotions do you associate with those desires?  Do you have what it takes to succeed?

The Unfair Advantage Revealed

Life has a few Winners and many Losers in it.  A loser is a person who fails to achieve their life goal.  A person who is not willing to take the necessary risk and put in the effort to obtain what they need to succeed.  You've heard the saying of people putting in the Blood, Sweat, and Tears to get where they are?

That means that they have spent time and let their passion consume them.  They put in Massive Amounts of action to get ahead in life.  These are people that often times are not born rich or famous, instead they must work for it.  They made themselves known because they believed in themselves.

This is perhaps the single biggest kept secret in life and why the poor will always be poor and the rich will always get richer.  What is the big secret?  It's your mindset and how you perceive the Universe and how it works.  Having an understanding of the Universe is a great help.

The Universe Is Living

If we want to succeed in life, we have to think of the Universe as a Living Breathing Entity.  That's right, it has been called many things throughout Human History.  The Universe, the Holy Light, God, Breath of Life, and many more come to mind.

When you begin to see the Universe as a living, breathing, organism then things start to happen.  You start to notice things that you have never noticed before.  Connections start to grow, and positive things start to happen in your life.  After all, we want more positive and less negative things in our lives.

Like Attracts Like

Just like a Magnet, the Universe reaches out and understands your emotions.  This is how the Universe decides what you want to have in your life.  The Universe wants to give you Positive Things in your life.  However, apposing forces want to give you Negative Things.

The more Negative things you think about, the more emotions are associated with those things.  Those emotions of despair, depression, and sadness are all linked to Negative Thinking.  If you let those emotions take over, you'll only attract more of those things into your life.  These things can be in the form of people, physical objects, or more emotional stress/pain.

When you finally understand this, you'll begin to see the correlation of why bad things happen to good people.  Don't let your negative emotions/thoughts conquer you.  You have to fight back at all cost, fight back on a daily basis, because you are a strong person, you are quite capable of doing this.  You would not be alive at this point if you were not.

What are some ways that you can gain an unfair advantage?  How do you fight Negative Thoughts?

Developing A System For Success

Success is inevitable for those who have a system that they follow.  If you're sporadic and leave out a few steps, your results are not going to be as good as they could be.  Every successful person in life has a system that they follow.  Just like following a schedule, you need a system.

Systems in the end are what defines us as a person.  If we do absolutely nothing, we won't ever get anywhere in life.  Step by step systems are often the best and produce the most results.  If you're a sales person, you first want to interest the person in what it is that you do.

Simply saying that I sell the worlds greatest product won't work.  It used to work in the past and will still generate interest, everyone and their brother is using the same tactic to sell the same or similar product.  This brings up the importance of creativity in your efforts.

Creativity Sets You Apart

The world runs on creativity, if you don't separate yourself from the crowd, you won't succeed.  Those who are always doing research, always adapting new techniques, always bringing in their creative mode, will always be the ones who thrive and grow.  Not just in sales, but in personality and wealth.

Creativity and building a system for success play hand in hand.  You have to find something that works for you.  Do some research on multiple different formulas and find a combination of things that work for you.  Not every formula is right for every person.  In fact, you may even be able to create your own system that correlates with your vibration.

However, it is important for you to remember, that certain things work and certain things do not.  If you come up with an idea that doesn't work, drop it.  Explore new options and create a presence where it does matter.

Getting Yourself Out There

All formulas for success, depend on getting yourself out there.  If you do not get yourself out there, you have no chance in success at all.  What systems or tools are you going to use to get yourself out there?  Sometimes, the tools that you use play a big part in how you get yourself out there.

As a friend of mine by the name of Michael Q Todd puts it, The tools you use online make your or break you.  He has seen people join the same class that he has, only to find out that most of those people were not using the same tactics today.  Again, there are certain things that work and certain things that don't.  You can check out his 7 Pillars Book for Online Success here.

There are many ways to get yourself out there into the eyes of the public.  If you don't search them out, you'll never find them.  This is all part of being an Entrepreneur.  We are people who are willing to put in the extra mile to get ahead.  Especially when most quit during the first mile of the race.  This is the rat race and we're trying to escape it.  You have to think differently if you want to get out there and succeed.

Working a regular job is not going to get you ahead, not like most people think.  You have to be your own boss, work for yourself, put in that effort.  Which is something most people are not willing to do.  They find it easier to have a steady job, have bills that need to be paid, get into debt, and enjoy what little free time that they actually have.

What are you doing this year to get yourself out there?  Are there any tactics or methods you want to share here?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Empower Yourself - Motivation for Everyone

There comes a time in your life when you realize that something is missing.  You realize that you need to bring your A Game, that you have to give it your all.  The all that you thought you were giving, is not enough.  That there is something else beyond that, that you must achieve for greatness.

Emotion plays an important part in your life now.  It drives you, it thrives you, it flourishes you.  You begin to bloom into something that you never even knew you had in you.  As the edges begin to unfold, you begin to see the bigger picture, little by little, the petals awaken and come alive.

As you awaken, the rain starts to fall.  It's been long overdue and you're quite thirsty.  You begin to soak it all up, as much as you can.  The rest of it, all pure, washes away the negativity you've been given.

Life begins to flow once again.  Energy and creativity are renewed.  Everything that you've always dreamed of starts to find its way to you.  All this time, it's been inside.  Longing to come out and play.  You begin to live in the moment, as you always should.

Understanding comes to you now.  The things you must do come into view.  Crowds you inspire grow ever closer to you.  They look up to you for inspiration.  For you have realized the truth.

That all this time, you were all you needed.  You had the power to live strong.  You dared to dream bigger, when everyone else said dream big.  Shine bright like a beacon.  For others are dreaming too.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Worst Kinds of Pyramid Schemes

Ever hear someone tell you about a brand new business opportunity and often times you find out from someone else that it's just another Pyramid Scheme?  Often times it happens in the Multilevel Marketing Business or MLM Business.  What people don't realize though is that the so called Pyramid Scheme, is the only thing that works.  It's Capitalism at its finest.

Let's first explain to you what a Pyramid Scheme actually is.  A Pyramid Scheme is a method of Power Control, where those on top have Power, because the many on the bottom feed it to them.  Let's think about that for a moment...

When you think of Pyramid Schemes, what comes to mind?  I bet Government doesn't.  Yep, the Government is one of the worst Pyramid Schemes ever.  It relies on the taxes of all its citizens to keep it afloat and running.  Usually those taxes wind up being large sums of money and the people can be left poor with little opportunity to grow.

Every service that is paid for by the government is a Pyramid Scheme.  Yep, those at the top of the chain of command get the highest paid jobs, while those at the bottom tend to have to scrape by.  It even works in the same manner for those receiving the service.  Often times, you're required to meet certain requirements in order to get the service, so not everyone can get the service, but everyone is paying for it.

Schools are a Pyramid Scheme.  You have different levels of peer groups among both teachers and students.  Often times, those who are not as popular are left at the bottom.  If you're popular enough, which is very few students, you're fortunate enough to join the click.

Perhaps the worst of all Pyramid Scheme?  Your daily job.  You go to work with a 9 - 5 style schedule with half an hour to an hour for lunch.  Often times you don't get to choose your schedule.  You work hard hoping to get a raise, which doesn't even keep up with the inflation rate.  On top of all that, you're working hard, often times giving in 110% in order for the boss to get a bonus.  Then the corporate executives get their Million Dollar bonuses and you get a measly 50 - 55 cent raise.  Yeah, I'd call that a fair job.

People often confuse Pyramid Schemes and MLM businesses in the same sentence.  MLM Businesses are different for various reasons.  For starters, you're buying into a Franchise, usually at a very low rate.  Try getting into a McDonalds Franchise for $100 - $500.  It's not going to happen.

In an MLM Business, you have the opportunity to not make the person above you rich and wealthy, but instead you get to make yourself wealthy.  Assuming you put in the effort and intent to do so.  If you fiddle fart around and only manage to get in one or two people, guess what, you're not going to make any money.  However, if you put in Massive Amounts of Effort and put in positive happy intentions, you'll get plenty of reward for your effort.

You have to help the Universe help you...
Nothing ever comes from doing nothing.

If you don't get out there and do what's required, you may as well not even invest in your future.  If you are however going to get out there and put forth that effort, make it happen, go all in, then you're going to succeed no matter what the Universe throws your way.

I'm a firm believer in the saying that, Life is what you make it.  If you want to make it a Hell Hole, it will be a Hell Hole.  If you want to make it the most amazing place on Earth with tons of Opportunity to see the world and understand the Universe better, then you can make it just that.  Often times in an MLM Business, you have the opportunity to work with other people, some allow you the opportunity to travel, meet some awesome people, and have an over all better life.

Only, if you're willing to work for it.

Are you in an MLM Business?  Have you considered joining one?  Tell me your story and your thoughts.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Life is all around us, everything in the Universe is living and reacting to our presence.  Even the so called inanimate objects.  We can't ignore this any longer, life as we know it, is something that should be revered.  There are stories all over the web about how people have used the Law of Attraction in their lives.

One of the most interesting stories I've read about the Law of Attraction is a story that has inspired me greatly.  The story is written by Phil Drolet, a man who has used the Law of Attraction to bring prosperity into his live, take one new opportunities, and better his lifestyle because of it.  His article tells of his story, how he attracted 40 applicants to his online course during his first goal and later, 30 applicants during his second goal.  He also talks about how his life changed after that, people approached him with different offers to travel and coach others.  He also offers valuable tips to help bring the Law into fruition.

Happiness Is The Key

Most people don't understand that how we feel at any given time affects our life.  It affects our work, whether or not we have a good day, bad day, whether or not we get promoted at work, get more clients, or what ever goodness or badness comes into our lives.  How do we make ourselves happier in a world that is so chaotic today?

This problem arises for many people.  Here is an easy way that you can help visualize more happiness in your life.  This is a strategy that I'm using right now to add more happiness and success in my life right now.  My life is already changing ever since starting this blog, so here we go...

Visualize what ever makes you happy the most, in fact, let's make a list of at lest 5 things that make you happy.  I don't mean just happy, I mean things that give you a  bubbly feeling inside, things that inspire you, make your whole body tingle with happiness.  Whenever you are starting to think of negative thoughts, replace that thought with a Happy One.  I know, it can be hard to get, but we must try to work at it, like anything else.  Does having large amounts of money make your body and mind fill with happiness?  Think about it, in fact, think about it on a regular basis.  By thinking about it more, negative thoughts have little room to arrive unannounced.  Does Beautiful Women make you happy?  Think about it.  Does the thought of having Children make you happy?  Think about it.  The more you think about it, the more the Universe will attract things of a like vibration into your life.

Make That Effort

As Phil mentioned in his article, you have to make effort if you want to succeed in life.  Just thinking of things, is just wishful thinking.  But having a bubbly personality, being a likable person, is what draws happy people and likable things into our lives.  Taking action is the single most important thing that we can do to make our lives better.

This is something that I've both known for some time, but also have chose to not do it for quite some time.  This has made me both lazy and tired at the same time.  I have to put more effort into this life if I want to build my empire and leave behind something of value for this world.

Enjoy Life

If you're not enjoying life, then you're just existing.  Don't let the Law of Attraction work against you.  The more negative vibrations you send out, the more you receive and vice verse.  Positive actions, positive affirmations is what we need more of in our lives.  If it doesn't make you happy and bubbly, you don't want it bad enough.

Can you possibly make something give you feelings of Happiness and Bubbly?  Of course, if you really want it bad enough.  You just have to learn to re-associate the object you want, with feelings that make you happy.  Will this object that you want bring you Beautiful Women into your life?  Will this object help you get a new Truck?  Will this object help you to start a Family?  We have to change little by little in this life to make it happen.

Starting to think in a positive way is a challenge in itself, but we can't let that stop us.  Already, I've attracted a small job lined up for the coming days/weeks that has great potential for future ventures.  This makes me feel really good, this is how I understand the Law of Attraction.

Do you have an understanding of the Law of Attraction yet?  What steps have you taken to make yourself feel happier and more bubbly?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Importance Of Adapting Your Own Behavior

In a recent article on her website, Dragon Lady Art Studio wrote about her work  She wrote about how her work had gotten sloppy and that she needed readdress her situation.  She stated that she was going to make it part of her goal this year to do better in her art.  That she was going to slow down and make more effort in her projects.  She also stated that she would be working on lighting issues more in her art, to make it more pleasing.  This, is what we call growth.

Adaptation of Behavior

Just like in the story above, we all have to change our behavior in order to succeed in life.  This ties in a little bit with my last post titled: Normal Is A Setting On A Dryer.  If we are going to evolve, or grow in this life time, we have to make changes, small steps to work with the Universe around us.  This also ties into the Law of Attraction.

Basically, the Law of Attraction states that thoughts are objects that interact with the Universe in order to bring change, to bring reality into existence.  If we are always worrying, thinking about debt, etc, we'll get  more of it.  Instead, we have to visualize and make changes in our thought patterns on a regular basis in order to evolve and grow.  Thought is the Holy Grail of the Universe.  Thought is the True Power that emanates itself from within.

If I am to succeed in this world and make money, then I have to focus more and more on making money.  I have to believe that making money is possible and that it will happen.  It's that positive vibe that attracts like objects to us.  If we think positive, we receive positive, if we think negative, we receive negative.  It's not enough to just sit there and make a wish.  Making wishes don't work.  You have to always be striving for that wish to make it happen.  You get what you are always thinking about, even if it is something you don't always want.  This, is the Law of Attraction.

Making that Change

There are some things that I can do as well as you, that we all can benefit from.  Meditation would be the first step in all success stories.  If someone is successful, they are using meditation.  Meditation is often misunderstood, or not taught correctly to many people.  For many years, I myself have thought that meditation was the act of thinking about nothing, clearing your mind.  Meditation can be thought of as merely a form of focus.  Focusing on one thought and all the possibilities around it.  Trying to connect the dots to that one issue and solving your problem.  Meditation is also another form as well, don't think of it as thinking about nothing.  If you think about nothing, you're still thinking about something.  Instead, try thinking of the space between your thoughts.  That empty space in your mind is the space you want to hold onto.  That space where energy flows freely and exist to inspire.

Focus is one thing, but we can't have success without action.  One of my favorite sayings now is this...Action Does Not Propel Itself Forward.  In other words, we must put forth effort into our lives in order for us to achieve success, wealth, love, and our overall happiness.

Get Out There

It is my duty to put myself out there, after all, this is my journey, no one else'.  No one can make my decisions for me, I have to make an effort, and get out there.  If I don't, I'm just a failure that is making a living failing.  If I'm making a living at all.  Just like the story above, I have to change and evolve my writing, in order to land more jobs, to get better pay, and move myself forward.  Writing is not the only thing I have to evolve, I have evolve by taking chances, expanding my talents, learning new things, and specializing in an area of life.

Many people wander through life not knowing what it is that makes them happy.  The secret to happiness is that there is no secret.  Do you really want to know what it is that you should do?  I'll give you the biggest hint that you'll ever need.  In fact, it's so simple, you might kick yourself for not coming up with the answers yourself.  Ready for it?

Do what ever it is, that brings you the most happiness.  Sure, a lot of things interest me, finding things that interest me is not the issue.  People often say that they have so many things that they like, that they don't know which to choose.  It should never be about which one to choose.  It should always be about which one makes you the happiest.  What makes me the happiest is seeing the world, all the old architecture, the different food, the different people, and all the goodness in it.  That is what I will be striving for in 2014.  That will be my vision.  What is going to be your vision this year?  How are you going to adapt your behavior this year?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Normal Is A Setting On A Dryer

Insanity, it appears to be running rampant in the United States, but perhaps it's not just running rampant here.  The United States is in all reality a great country to live in and perhaps one of the last frontiers of Capitalism.  Many would scoff at the word Capitalism without even giving it a second though.  Yet in the United States where Capitalism rules, it's easier than most people think to get ahead in life and become a wealthy individual.  It is my goal with this blog and journey that I'm working on to proof just that.  However, there are those who would be stubborn and set in their ways.

These kind of people won't change their way, even though they might understand that they have to change in order to get ahead in life.  No one ever said that you have to change yourself, the individual that makes you you, but it is imperative to change your habits.  You want to be a gamer?  Great, just don't game 8 - 10 hours a day......guilty.  You can't be productive in life if you don't have a set schedule, which plays into my last blog post.  In my last post I talked about the importance of Setting Goals That Are Flexible as well as a flexible schedule.

Let us define the word insane real quick.  It is defined as being in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction.  Whereas the best definition of insanity can be quoted from Albert Einstein as follows: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  If I had to say something about that quote, it would be the very definition of the vast majority in the United States today.  Let's think about that for a moment.

Today we have people that will scoff at other News Sources, that will only get News from one Source and think that they have a bigger picture on the details laid out before them than someone else does.  One of the most common News Outlets that gets scoffed at is Fox News, people claim that Fox News lies more than any other News Agency out there, but they can't prove it.  Am I suggesting that a person only gets News from Fox News?  No, I'm not, I'm suggesting that people do their own research.  One News Source is not enough, because you only get one side of the story and that's where the United States fails.  Using the excuse that one News Station lies more than the other without relative proof to back it up is just blindly following the leader to jump off a bridge and we know that most would not jump off a bridge.

This is where I come in, I'm not going to do the same thing day after day and expect different results.  That is one reason why I have taken to writing this blog.  Blogging is not for everyone, but so many people start blogs on a regular basis and most of them stop posting after about 90 days.  Why is that?  Blogging is hard work and the average person today thinks that it is easy and when they start to blog, they find out differently and give up.  One of the reasons is that they lack the traffic that they would like to get.

If you blog everyday, publish your article and only publish it on Social Media sites such as Google+, Facebook, and Twitter, you're not going to get anywhere with your blog.  Only sharing it in a few places will not get you anywhere, even if Facebook claims to be the biggest Social Network out there.  If you only have a hundred connections on each site, you're not getting anywhere.  You have to change your habits, you have to branch out into 5, 6, or even 10 different networks, including video networking.  Bloggers often forget video networking, but if you share just small bits of information on Youtube in short 1 - 2 min videos, you should start getting traffic from it.  Information is meant to be shared and if you're not sharing it, you're not getting anywhere.

This brings us to the title of the blog post, Normal Is A Setting On A Dryer.  If you hear someone say that they're just a normal bloke, they're telling you one of the biggest puns ever.  That's because in today's world, there is no such thing as Normal, everyone is insane to an extent or rather, they have a mild case of insanity.  They have a perception, a way of thinking, that keeps them from achieving success.  This way of thinking has to stop.

Don't let yourself be wrung out to dry like the everyone else does.  Instead, start changing your way of thinking, start believing in yourself more, share your knowledge, and most importantly, be yourself.  Your way of thinking, has nothing to do with who you are.  Thinking is how we succeed in today's world and contribute to society.  So go out, be bold, be different, and remember, Normal is a setting on a Dryer.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Setting Goals That Are Flexible

Setting goals that are flexible is something that many people just don't do nowadays.  Most in fact only set New Years resolutions and then half way make an attempt at them.  After about 30 Days they tend to forget about the resolution and go on with their daily lives, almost as though the New Year never happened.

The problem with this is that our Brains aren't capable of handling a New Years Resolution.  That's right, our Brains are not capable of handling a Vague Goal such as a Resolution.  Instead, according to Brain Science, it's recommended that we take smaller, tiny actions to form habits.

We could use one of my goals as an example.  I have to find a way to raise up about $3,000 so I can go have my hernia worked on.  To most people that would seem like a daunting task and would back down from the goal.  I first have to decide how I'm going to get the funds to do this with.  Here are some options that I have at my disposal....

Writing Paid Articles
Selling On Ebay

It doesn't look like much of a start, but we all have to start from some where.  If you had read my first article, then you will know that one of my goals this year is to start traveling.  You may have also noticed that I have set the original goal for my hernia surgery at $1,000.  However, this post is about having flexible goals.  Goals may need to be changed according to prices fluctuations or due to not doing enough research ahead of time.  Just spending four days down where I would like to have my surgery is going to cost about $1,000, so it won't be enough to do all the things I want to do.  Especially if I want to extend my stay for a few days longer and get a head start on making documentaries.

I will start as soon as possible with the taking donations part.  If I can raise all the funds via donations, that would be great, but I'm not afraid to do a little work here and there.  You will find a donation button at the bottom of this page as well as in the side bar.  We can't be afraid to ask for a helping hand sometimes, because sometimes, we need one.

Traveling is one of my primary goals this year.  I want to start doing a lot of traveling, seeing the UK and Italy would be my first stops this year.  I now know where it is that I want to go first and a little bit of how I'm going to go about doing it.  This is where having flexible goals come in.

There are two things that are very important to me traveling this year and I'm already well on my way to making that happen.  One of those things is to have a set schedule.  Not everything I do has to be down to a science, but ever successful person out there has a set schedule.  They get up, they do their morning routine, the start working on their job(s) for the day, and they get things done in small manageable task.  It's not Rocket Science, it's just Science.

Not having a set schedule is one of the worst things I could be doing for my body.  Not only does it throw my body all out of whack, but it cuts years off my life span.  That's something I'd like to avoid at all cost.  This world is too vast for me to see it in a life time and I've already let some of my years slip by unnoticed.  This year, it's going to be different.  My schedule so far is going to be this:

6:00am - Get up and do morning routine.
7:00am - Enjoy a bit of breakfast.
8:00am - Write article for the day.
12:00pm - Publish article on blog.
12:15pm -1:15pm - Have a bit of lunch.
1:15 - 4:00pm - Promote blog
4:00pm - 9:00pm - play a video game.
9:00pm - 10:00pm - Wind down for the night, read a book.

This is going to be my schedule for the next few months and possibly longer than that.  The schedule itself can change and fluctuate.  For example, if I find that I'm spending too much time gaming, I can always cut back to 2 hours a day and spend more time promoting my blog as well as money making opportunities.

Setting goals that are flexible is very important in today's age.  The information age has us so connected that most people refuse to put in the effort anymore to succeed.  For now, this is going to be my 5 day a week schedule, which may again change to 6 days a week if I find I'm not getting enough done

I have set aside Sundays as a day of Thinking.  I call it my Think Tank Day.  It's the day where I try to sit down and come up with solutions to my problems as well as other problems throughout the world.  I don't want to be just an ordinary Average Joe kind of person.  That's not the lifestyle for an INTJ Personality Type.

My goal in life is to Embrace the Unknown and to contribute to society in more than one way.  But we have to start small and make small changes in our life and be flexible.  Those flexible goals will aid us on our journey.  Let's embrace the unknown together and forge our destiny as we start setting goals that are flexible.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why Everyone Should Have At Least 5 Goals This Year

Goals are perhaps the single most important thing that anyone could ever learn in their lifetime.  I'd be willing to wager that it would be even more important than figuring out if "God" does in fact exist.  Let's face it, without goals, our Society would not be where it is today.  Goals are the very foundation of production, as well as the foundation of an Empire.

Everyone has their own Empire.  We could even break those down into three different categories: Small, Large, and Massive Empires.  If no one set goals for their life, we would not have made it past the Middle Ages, a very dark time in Human History.  One might go as far as to say that we might not even be alive today if no one had ever set goals.

Setting a Goal could be something as simple as saying, "I want to get married and have kids," and then you set out on that journey, looking, planning, and throwing around your options, sometimes literally.  Often times people set goals without even realizing that they are setting them.  How many of you had said that you wanted to get a New Playstation Console or Xbox and set out to do it?  What about a New(er) Car?  When you decide to do something, you instinctively know what you have to do in order to get it.

The biggest problem that we have today is that people are realizing that there are easier ways of doing things and they don't want to put in a little bit of work for those things that they want.  So, instead of living, they merely exist.  That is the difference in our Society today, far too many people merely exist and don't live.  Existing at this point can thus be defined as: working a 9 - 5 job, working for the man, working for the boss, living paycheck to paycheck, living cheap and not taking care of yourself.  Doesn't that sound like the vast majority today?  Whereas to live, could be defined as the following: following your dream, your passion, having financial freedom, being in control of your life and future.

Living, also known as Freedom, is a great thing to have.  If you're working a 9 - 5 job and 40 hours a week, you're not going to get ahead.  Instead, you're still just a slave to the big business.  This is one of the main reasons why you should have at least 5 goals this year.  No one wants to be a slave, you have to live, you have to adapt, you have to be smarter than your adversary.

Being in control of your life is very important for various reasons: Stress, Health, and Quality Family Time are just to name a few.  If you don't have control over your life, it gets out of control, you become lazy, and you ignore the important things, but instead keep yourself "too busy to do anything else."  If you're too busy to take care of yourself, to cook real food, to manage your finances, to do your own research, then there is something wrong with this picture.

As said in Rich Dad Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki, "staying busy is the worst kind of lazy."  Have you ever had something that you needed to do, but you chose to ignore it and keep your mind occupied instead?  Yep, that's being lazy.  Too lazy to get the important things done.

It surprises me how many people think that having a steady job is living or even being in control.  It's neither of those, especially if you're existing to be a consumer and always spending your money on the next big thing.  That is called the Rat Race, being stuck on a Wheel, spinning your feet as fast as your can, thinking you're getting ahead by working a job, getting raises, and hoping that something "better" "comes along."  This is unfortunately the mentality of 90% of the population.

One more reason why you should have at least 5 goals this year is "Multiple Goals."  Yep, as simple of a concept as having multiple goals can keep you busy.  Having more than one thing to work on this year can help keep you from getting bored as well.  Not to mention that working on multiple projects stimulates the brain.  New activity revitalizes your mission, your purpose.  We all have a purpose in life, a reason for existing, and while it's similar in concept, it's details are going to be different for everyone.

So remember, be sure to set multiple goals this year and revitalize your mind.  Staying refreshed and focused if very important if we want to get ahead in life.  Don't be afraid to set your goals and make them happen.  It's going to take a little bit of work, but it'll work out to you having more free time to do what you want to do in the end.  By end, I don't mean the end of your life, such as retirement.  It can come sooner than you think, you just have to be willing to work for it.  Set a goal, make it count, and put 110% into it.  Because while you're working a 9 - 5 job putting 110% in a work, someone else is putting 110% into getting out of the Rat Race.  Remember, a 9 - 5 job should not be a lifestyle, it should be a stepping stone.  Go make it happen.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Embracing a New Me with a New Year

Another year has come and gone and many start to sit back and wonder where the year has gone.  What did I do with  myself last year?  Did I do anything amazing?  Did I get anywhere with my goals?  What about my Dream?  Am I any step closer to finding out the real me or the potential me?  Have my relationships improved at all?  These are common questions asked and you may find yourself asking a few of them yourself.  Yet each year, we all seem to have different goals and ambitions.  We all follow a slightly different path on the way to our very different Dreams.

There also comes a time in our lives when we have to start analyzing the situations that we're in and what we can do to make them better.  Yet many, year after year, will fail to realize those dreams, those goals, and fall short of their passions.  Life is not meant to be full of shortcomings.  Life is instead meant to be full of surprised, ups and downs, and big achievements.  The old saying, Rome wasn't built overnight holds true to a lot of things.  You and your Empire are not going to be built over night.  No, I'm not trying to take over the world here, (just the Universe...cough cough ahem..) instead I'd like to think of it as conquering myself.

Let me give you a little background about myself and you'll understand where I'm coming from.  I'm just an ordinary person, just like you reading this book.  Like the rest of the world, I have problems, issues, and have always had them.

When I was little, I used to be made fun of.  Kids would pick at me, call me names, make fun of my voice, and just make fun of me in general.  Let's face it though, what kid out there hasn't been made fun of?  Some are just made fun of more than others.  I'd like to think that being made fun of didn't bother me.  In reality, I let it get buried deep within to the point that it appeared not to bother me.  The most common name that I was called, was Roger Rabbit.  While it didn't really bother me so to speak, it was rather annoying.  I had other Nick Names such as Roger Dodger, Rogie, and just Rog for short.  Most of the Nick Names didn't bother me either.

However, people making fun of my voice always made me feel a bit insecure.  I grew quite shy over the years to the point that it was hard for me to make new friends, even though I enjoy the company of the people I did meet for the most part.  Today, I'm known as an Introvert or more specifically according to the Jung Personality Test, an INTJ.  The INTJ personality is considered to be the rarest of the Personality Types and is considered quite capable of achieving many great achievements as well as working in many different environments.  Of course, all of this is according to his or her strengths and weaknesses.

The problem however here lies within goal setting.  Yep, that ever intrusive word that few people like to hear.  That's the main reason why few people ever succeed with their New Years resolutions.  They don't set goals and take action towards them.  Saying, I'm going to lose weight this year for example is not a goal.  How much weight do you want to lose and in how long of a period?  Do you want to lose 8lbs in a month?  Maybe you'd like to lose 20lbs over the next six months?  The same thing goes for setting financial goals.  People don't say things like, I would like to make an extra $5,000 by the end of the year for a vacation.  Instead, you hear things like, I'm going to make more money this year, work hard at my 9 - 5 job and get a raise, maybe even a promotion.

So, what are my goals for this year?  Well, here are just a few of them and maybe they'll give you a few ideas to work with yourself:

  • Make $1,000 in the next 3 months to have my hernia worked on.
  • Make $10,000 in 6 months for equipment and travel purposes.
  • 6 months after hernia surgery, be able to run a 5k.
  • Within 6 months, be on a sugar free, gluten free, dairy free diet.
  • 6 month goal - have enough income coming in from writing to call it a job.
  • 3 month goal - Learn Russian for traveling purposes and foreign contacts.
There you have it, a simple break down of my list of goals for the next six months to a years time frame.  It's not going to be easy and no one ever said life was easy.  Even people who are freeloading off the Government have are having a hard time.  It just goes to show you that Free isn't always better.  However, that doesn't mean that it's hard to the point that it's impossible to succeed.  You tell people nowadays that it's going to require a bit of work and they turn away because they'd rather work a 9 - 5 job stocking shelves.  That's easy, I know, I've been there, done that.  But what can I share with you that might help inspire you to do the same or at least follow along with my story and future success?

It all starts with Embracing the you that you are, as well as the you that "Could Be."  Perhaps this alone is where many people fail in achieving greatness?  There are many people out there that can easily or with a little work, embrace themselves.  Getting them to embrace the potential they have inside though, has always been the challenge.  It is my current "belief" that many people are afraid to succeed.  They are afraid of the failure, the heartache, the journey of getting to the top and following their Dream.  They know what it's like to fail, they've been there, done that, as have I.  They know what it's like to be ridiculed and mocked.  Yet when you succeed, there is such an overwhelming joy that you can't describe.  Why can't you describe it?  One reason is that you're at a loss for words, but in reality, there are no words to describe it.  So don't be afraid to embrace yourself, we've all experienced that feeling of greatness at least once in our lives.  If you haven't, you need to get out and live more.

I will tell you this right now, thinking will play a huge part in your success.  Perhaps that's another reason why people continue to fail in today's time?  How often do you hear someone say, "Thinking makes my Brain Hurt?"  What?  Come on now, if thinking really made your brain hurt, you'd have headaches all day long, all night long, ever single day.  Why?  Simply because your brain has about or close to One Trillion Connections running to it all over the Human Body.  With this in mind, each of those connections is a process, in which your brain sends signals back and forth in order for the entirety of your body to work.  If, and that's a big IF, you actually got headaches from thinking, which is merely a process of the brain, yet another connection, your body would be aching all the time from all those connections firing off.

Embracing thinking is going to take perhaps another goal for many people.  This is one goal that I've already tackled pretty well.  I have set aside Sunday's as my Thinking Days.  I do nothing but thinking on those days and think about different problems, different solutions, as well as inventions and ideas.  I have also started tackling my goals.

I already have plans and courses of actions for achieving at least two of my current goals.  Writing this blog is one of those courses of actions.  Will you be joining me this year and tackling the New Year head on or will you be tacking the back pedal?

What are your goals and ambitions this year?